Motivation Station - Zoom Indoor Cycling Huntsville, AL
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Motivation Station

Motivation Station

There are some days when you might be having trouble motivating yourself to workout, especially during these hot summer months! Even though you’re committed to your fitness journey, today you just aren’t feeling it. You’ve made progress in your cycling classes, so having a day off won’t hurt, right? Here are a couple of reasons why you should still get moving!

You get a bit of ‘me-time’
A Zoom class is the perfect escape from the craziness of our every day lives. Clip in, forget your worries and let the beat of the music take you away. You’ll probably feel like a whole new person once you’re done.

Exercise improves your mood
Each time you workout, you release endorphins, which create feelings of happiness. Even just 30 minutes of exercise may completely turn a bad mood around.

Working out helps lower stress
Exercise can help to slow cortisol (the stress hormone) production in your body, which may help to reduce those nasty symptoms of stress. Working out may be one of the fastest ways to calm your mind, giving you a boost of endorphins to improve your happiness level as well.

It’s good for your brain
When you move regularly, it triggers a chemical in the brain that can help reduce the dreaded ‘brain fog’. Exercise helps to stimulate the sections of your brain that control memory, so you might also find it easier to remember things!

It helps your confidence
It’s not just losing weight or gaining muscle that helps you feel good. Regular exercise can help improve your strength, balance and coordination too. Being able to carry a heavy bag or have the stamina to keep up with your kids can do wonders for your confidence.

You’ll probably sleep better tonight
Dozens of studies over the years have found people who regularly exercise report sleeping better than those who don’t get enough exercise. Sleeping is the time when your body repairs itself and lets your mind relax, so anything you can do to improve your sleep quality is a good thing!

It’s a chance to make friends
Whether you take the same Zoom classes every week or just come every once in a while, you’re likely to see some familiar faces. You obviously already have one thing in common (wanting to be healthier), chances are you might bond over other things too!

You might inspire someone else
Without even realizing it, you might be a role model for a friend, family member or colleague. We’re regularly influenced not just by what our friends say, but by their behavior as well. How nice is it to think you’re inspiring friends to take better care of themselves?! This journey is about SO much more than just ourselves!

Remember, there is a massive difference between your body needing to rest and being lazy. It’s important that you rest when you feel that you need it, but if you’re thinking about skipping your workout because you’re lacking motivation, remember this list of reasons why you should show up and workout!

Source: https://www.kaylaitsines.com/blogs/lifestyle/301185228-all-the-reasons-you-should-workout-today