What's So Great About Zoom, Anyway?! - Zoom Indoor Cycling Huntsville, AL
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What’s So Great About Zoom, Anyway?!

What’s So Great About Zoom, Anyway?!

Good question! Why don’t we ask some of our riders so they can tell you first-hand? Check it out:

“Every single time I walk out of those Zoom doors, I am recharged, refreshed, and ready to conquer the day. And I love that feeling! Who doesn’t? To me, Zoom is an oasis where you lose all concept of time, getting wrapped up in the carefully crafted playlists, while at the same time crushing an awesome workout. The instructors pour themselves into each ride, amping up the class with fun beats while guiding us along. Anything you’re holding on too, you can let go of in those 45 minutes. This is YOUR time. The motivation I experience in these classes keeps me staying motivated in other aspects of life, too. Whether it’s facing a fear or working through a challenge, I channel the energy I experience at Zoom. As a fearful flyer, I always take a Zoom class before my flights. It’s like I’m going to a pep rally, gearing me up to put my “game face” on. You teach yourself to work through the tough stuff.  With each uphill climb, I may also be working through another uphill climb in life. As I’m speeding downhill, I may be letting go of any stress/frustration. It can be an emotional release.  The energy that emanates from the studio is electric. When I leave Zoom, I feel exhilarated! – Kristen S.

“When I first started at Zoom, I wasn’t looking for anything special outside of a normal group style fitness class. I am terrible at motivating myself to exercise and knew that I did best in a group setting. Little did I know that I would find genuine people who would actually learn my name and encourage me to keep coming back each week. Now, one of my favorite things about my week is showing up and challenging myself to ride stronger!” – Kirsten W.

“With as much as I yell and sing in class it seems only fitting that I tell you guys how much Zoom has impacted me since joining about a year ago. While in the past I have not been a person who tends to pay attention to the scales, it’s been incredibly hard to stay in shape because I travel all the time with my job (#blessed). Zoom has seriously helped to alleviate all the stress that comes with my job as well as helped keep me/get me back in shape when I come home from the long stretches away. Most of you don’t know I had total knee reconstruction when I was 18 and while it hasn’t kept me from doing the things I love it has definitely limited me. Before Zoom, I would run several times per week and was constantly in pain from the pounding my knee was taking on the road. Zoom has provided an avenue for me to continue being active while also protecting my knee. I can’t thank you guys enough for all the good you are doing not just for me but also in the community that I love!” – Aubree H.

“Zoom is way more than just a place where you cycle. It’s a sanctuary and judgement-free zone, where you can set your problems and struggles aside, and focus on becoming the best version of yourself- physically, emotionally and mentally. I have had four knee surgeries and two arm surgeries, which gave me arthritis and limited mobility. This negatively impacted my workout routine and attitude. I have tried joining several different gyms, each leaving me unsatisfied and unmotivated. Thankfully, Zoom came into my life, and I am forever grateful. I have never felt judged or a lack of motivation, and I am even excited to workout, doing up to two classes a day – without any joint pain! This has helped me lose excess weight and gain muscle– something I have been trying to do for 8 years!” – Megan D.

“Before starting Zoom classes, I had not been a part of a weekly workout routine in ten years.  Like many, I put work and others before self-care. Zoom has given me the opportunity to connect with others and has shown me strength that I never knew I had.  It has increased my energy and decreased my stress significantly. The rides are so much more than I had expected, working your core, arms, endurance and coordination.  The entire staff is wonderful, each instructor brings their own unique “spin” and fun to each class, and those smiling faces when you walk in makes you feel welcome instantly! Zoom has been the best thing I’ve done for myself in years!” – Sarah N. 

 So, there you have it! If these awesome personal testimonials don’t motivate you to book your bike, maybe your OWN story and goals WILL! This challenge isn’t going to complete itself…so make the decision right NOW that you won’t give up! YOU GOT THIS!