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Hi Zoom! I cannot remember the last time that I wrote a blog entry, either for myself or for another purpose. To be honest, I actually researched the word to figure out where to begin. Then I thought to myself, that is what I have...

Do you love yourself? Do you REALLY love yourself? What does it mean to practice self-love and how can we practice more of it? They say you cannot love a person truly without loving yourself first and after thirty years of marriage I can truly...

Good question! Why don't we ask some of our riders so they can tell you first-hand? Check it out: “Every single time I walk out of those Zoom doors, I am recharged, refreshed, and ready to conquer the day. And I love that feeling! Who doesn’t?...

There are some days when you might be having trouble motivating yourself to workout, especially during these hot summer months! Even though you're committed to your fitness journey, today you just aren’t feeling it. You’ve made progress in your cycling classes, so having a day...

The human body is around 60% water, and our body fluids are maintained in a narrow range of +/- 0.2%. With the hot and humid summer weather upon us, it is so important to stay properly hydrated because even just 1% loss of body weight...

Hey y'all! I'm Hannah - probably a familiar face to all of our regular Zoomers. I started working the front desk at ZoomHSV in January of 2018. Since January my life has been nothing short of fun and ever changing. To say I love my...

Cinco de Mayo is coming up this weekend, giving us all a reason to wear ridiculous sombreros, consume endless chips and salsa, and (possibly most importantly) margaritas! It’s all (tequila-fueled) fun and games, until the sugar-crash hits and you’re left with a headache and regret....